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July 2007

YouTube and CNN…

150 150 eriks

I got a question yesterday. I thought about blogging about it then, but things got in my way. The question was pretty simple:

– “Did you check YouTube on the democratic debate?”
– “I (Erik) have heard about it. I am not sure if I believe this to be as big as everyone claim though…”

I have heard many times this is so innovative and cool. It is cool for sure but innovative? More no than yes for sure. The main problem as I see it, is that the editors are choosing the questions in their own. The editors select videos which in a way is nothing else than writing the questions on their own or having their team come up with questions. I know it is a bit harsh but as you still have a human being part of the process.

My friend asked me a very important and central question:
“… and what (consistent) metrics is used to choose those 100 questions…”

My take is as simple as this. Sure, the questions are being asked by normal people via video. However, what is really the difference when you are selecting 100 questions from 10 000 of questions via a human selecting these? Personally I see very little difference other than you have different people reading the questions the editors would have chosen themselves in the first place. The key in new media is not that you get the average Joe to ask the questions, but to improve the selection process of the submitted questions. Otherwise you might as well keep the old media model. I will soon bring up how this should be done though.

What do I think of it? Of course you get some more questions, but is it worth the hype? Not really… I can however understand why it is hyped.

When it is getting tough…

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… the tough get going. It seems as if that is the mantra of the day or more of the year. It is rolling up your sleeves time. It is crunch time. Pick your favorite line. Things are moving. Things are moving fast now. Things are moving somewhere. Let us see where they are moving…