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October 2005

Communication during disaster

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Last week the Digital Vision program went on an offsite, during which we discussed the need for communications in case of an disaster. The key to success in the aid work after a disaster such as the tsunami last year, the earthquake in Pakistan is to set up the communications.

In case of a disaster it is important to first set up some kind of central that coordinate all the aid efforts, and collect all the information necessary. To be able to understand the needs you need to either fly in personal, possible via helicopters, to gather information and/or create the possibility to the people there to communicate with this central.

The infrastructre of telecommunications is often broken, scarce or at least unsufficient, and satellite communications is to expensive to use. A group of researchers from University of York have successfully set up a broadband link via a balloon in northern Sweden.

"The launch cost of the infrastructure is likely to be one-tenth that of satellite and one airship can support a user density one thousands times that of satellite" according to  Alan Gobbi, the marketing manager of the York Electronic Centre, which is the commercial unit of the University of York.

Such a solution would open up for the possibility to coordinate the aid workers and perhaps more importantly gather information of what the actual need is. Do they need food? Do they need helicopters? Do they need water? and so forth.. Having the possibility to communicate the web would make this coordination a whole lot easier.

The full article is found in the following link

a smile…

150 150 eriks

"The smile…is used by humans to hide the truth….But sadness, like understanding, comes early in life for some. It is part of intelligence."

I had a chat with a friend, who gave me the quote from a book she is reading now. Is that really true? Are we using the smile to cover up the truth? Some people turn to the smiles when they stressed, because they do not know what to say or do. They just smile. (A quite funny reaction actually when you look at it objectively and not being in the situation.)

Anyhow, I would like to say that we in common smile way too little. A smile is normally better than a grumpy face. (There are situations where smiling just is not the thing to do. ) We tend to get so tied up into what we do that we forget to enyoy life. Open up and suck the impressions in!

Personally, I just love the walk from my apartment at University Avenue up to my office at Campus. The sun, the squirrels playing around in the park, the cactus park or even the friendly chat about life itself via MSN.

I think we should go for lighting up the room with a smile. Spread the feeling that life is not as bad after all, and nothing is as powerful as a happy face… At least skip the sad or grumpy face, I guess.

I will smile. Life is good.