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December 2007

Our pasts form us…

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Lately I have been thinking of what forms the personality of a person. I daily meet people and I am constantly amazed by the diversity of peoples minds and their characteristics. I am also amazed how many people I meet who are totally unaware of their personality and how much it influences their behavior in different situations. My oldest brother once told me that the most important thing is to always look into yourself and see what part you played in any event. This is most likely the hardest thing to do as you have to face yourself. Your fears, your shortcomings, but also your talents and greatnesses about you. (I remember a song from a song group from Uppsala, Sweden called ViBaFemBa called Slutstrid (i.e. The Final Battle) that very much tells this story.) Many people do not get this at all and are suck in chasing the answer outside themselves. I understand why, but yet don’t.

What I have grown to realize is that we should always stay honest to who we are, and what we have become. We should always learn from what we face in life but we are who we are.